REHOUSE activities presented in SAIE FAIR 2023, “The international Building Exhibition, design, construction, plant engineering”

© Credits: ENEA, ITALY
The results of the first year of activity of the European project REHOUSE were presented last October during SAIE FAIR 2023, “The international Building Exhibition, design, construction, plant engineering”, sponsored by the Puglia Region in collaboration with the Order of Engineers of the province of Bari and the Order of Architects.
The initiative, which saw the presence of over one hundred participants, represented an important opportunity for ENEA to present ongoing activities of REHOUSE project, financed until 2026 by the Horizon Europe framework program which assigns to ENEA and 24 other European partners the task of developing techniques innovative energy requalification schemes to be applied to four buildings located in as many European countries, including Italy.
Within SAIE exhibition, a dedicated conference was organized and moderated by ENEA researchers, Monica Misceo and Vincenza Luprano, focusing on the Italian demonstration site, a public residential building located in Margherita di Savoia (Puglia), which will become a test site for green construction and a driving force for innovation social.
All Italian project partners participated to the conference, such as representatives of the University of Basilicata who, made an overview of the intervention techniques integrated within the scope of national and European policies for the redevelopment of the building heritage, illustrating the holistic approach of the project. Partner ARCA Capitanata, underlined the strategic importance that REHOUSE activities and objectives have for local territories, thanks to the high involvement of local companies. University of Basilicata, illustrated the integrated methodological approach between the structural analysis of the building and the energy analysis, followed by the presentation of the BIM model, on which the definitive design of the intervention will be based on, and that will be used for the post-intervention monitoring phase.
The development of highly innovative technologies by local companies that will see their application in a public housing context is the beating heart of rehouse initiative.
The technological challenge comes alongside with the social one, linked also to social acceptance and behavioral change, looking towards new forms of management of energy and buildings by users/tenants, with co-design techniques that are intended to involve not only the individual users of buildings, but the entire neighborhood with a view to urban redevelopment.
The conclusions highlighted the creation of a new renaissance in the sector of public housing construction redevelopment, capable of placing the person at the center, and also aiming at the growth and development of the territory, with a view to replication in similar contexts.
REHOUSE conference Agenda link : PDF