A data model to represent the basis structure of the 8 Renovation Packages implemented in the REHOUSE project.
In the context of the REHOUSE project, it was identified the need to develop a data model or taxonomy to categorise the different Renovation Packages (RP) to be implemented in the project, defined a RP as the composition of several components with a promising technological innovation. CARTIF, as an expert in the field of digitisation and the implementation of new technologies, has led the development of this data model, which represents the basis structure of the 8 RP to be digitalised in the next phases of the #REHOUSE project (see Figure 1), and implemented in its demo sites. The structure of the data model has been defined in a way that allows its adaptation and modification, enabling the standardization of the RP in different future contexts. A general structure of this definition is shown in Figure 2. The use of this developed data model will be useful for other technicians who have to apply renovation solutions in deep renovation projects of buildings, based on renovation packages.
More information on this data model will be published in the context of the results of the REHOUSE project.

Figure 1: Workflow of the implementation of Renovation Packages in the REHOUSE project, starting with the definition of the data model (taxonomy). Credits: Sonia Álvarez Díaz (CARTIF Technology Centre)

Figure 2: An entity-relationship diagram of the elements of the Renovation Package. Credits: Susana Gutiérrez Caballero, Sonia Álvarez Díaz (CARTIF Technology Centre)
Author’s name: Sonia Álvarez Díaz, Architect-Researcher, CARTIF technology Centre
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