In the framework of the REHOUSE activities, focusing on innovative solutions for efficient, economical and sustainable energy requalification processes, the 31st of October, ENEA hosted the “Architecture & Design, Construction & Materials, Air conditioning & Digitalization” conference, during the International Construction, Architecture and Design Fair held in LA NUVOLA. LA NUVOLA is the most visionary convention center in Rome, designed by famous Fuksas architects by using innovative solutions, eco-friendly approach and technologically advanced materials.
The event represented the expertise of several REHOUSE partners: ENEA, Arca Capitanata, Biomat, Pedone Working, Regione Puglia, RI Group, Rina Consulting, Steel Tech, SUPSI, TERA s.r.l., University of Basilicata. They took the great opportunity to highlight to the approx. 50 participants that energy and structural re-development of a public housing building can represent a driver of social and economic growth of a specific territory.

The conference opened with greetings from Ilaria Bertini, director of the ENEA Energy Efficiency Unit Department, who underlined to the highly qualified audience made of researchers and professionals, the importance of energy redevelopment projects in public housing buildings. This was followed by the speech by Marco Morini, from EU Commission DG ENER, who focused on the new EPBD directive, highlighting its key points regarding the REHOUSE project.
The Italian demonstration site of the REHOUSE project, located in Margherita di Savoia (Puglia), was presented by ENEA experts, Monica Misceo and Vincenza Luprano, who illustrated the applied methodology developed during the first year of the project, functional to an integrated approach from the energy, structural and social point of view. The importance of involving the tenants of the building was highlighted, also thanks to a video, [CS1] by Maritè Cuonzo (Puglia Region), member of the project’s Social Task Force. ENEA researchers Salvatore Tamburino and Antonio di Micco, together with Giuseppe Santarsiero of the University of Basilicata, presented the state of the building from an energy-structural point of view. Matteo Porta (Rina Consulting), highlighted the need to use and model the building with BIM with the related advantages for the maintenance and management phase. Antonio Sacchetti (TERA), explained the benefits deriving from the monitoring and collection of energy and comfort data, while Giusy Cialdella and Fabio Pariolini (Steel Tech), focused on the innovative technologies that will be installed and on the safety tests carried out during these months.
Followed by the interventions of Marco De Gregorio and Cristina Di Maria (UNI – Italian Standardization Body) who highlighted how, through technical standardisation, it is possible to transfer the project results to the market.
The event concluded with a round table discussion attended by representatives of the Orders of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors.
Author and picture credits: Lorenza Daroda, ENEA