The aim of SUREFIT is to demonstrate fast-track renovation (40% reduction in implementation time) of existing domestic buildings by integrating innovative, cost-effective, and environmentally conscious prefabricated technologies. The project is about to reach the target of near zero energy through reducing heat losses through the building envelope and energy consumption by heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting, while increasing the share of renewable energy in buildings. This will be achieved through a systematic approach involving key stakeholders (building owners and users, manufacturers, product and services developers) in space heating, cooling, domestic hot water, lighting and power generation, as well as a demonstration phase in five representative buildings in different climates.
Briefly, SUREFIT aims to achieve:
1) Reduction in primary energy use and carbon emission by 60%;
2) Reduction of cost by 50%;
3) Reduction of time for renovation by 40%
Technologies Addressed
SUREFIT addresses technologies that include bio-aerogel panels and their integration with phase change materials (PCM), photovoltaic (PV) vacuum glazing windows, roof and window heat recovery devices, solar assisted heat pumps (SAHP) and ground source heat pumps (GSHP), evaporative coolers, integrated solar thermal and photovoltaic systems and lighting devices. The technologies are to be manufactured by the industrial partners of the project consortium and demonstrated under real-life context in five existing buildings under three different European (Mediterranean, Atlantic and North) climates to ensure their excellence in operation (Portugal, UK, Greece, Spain and Finland).
Solar-Assisted Heat Pump
The new Solar Assisted Heat Pump (SAHP) technology is manufactured by The University of Nottingham (UNNOT). This technology offers homeowners a simple, low-cost system to greatly reduce home heating bills. It does this by using the sun’s energy in two ways, first similar to normal solar panels generating electricity, but also using the heat from the sun, collected in the same rooftop solar panel. By storing this heat and using it during colder days, the home heat pump becomes much more efficient.
A normal electric heater takes one unit of electricity to make one unit of heat. Traditional heat pumps can, under the best of conditions use that one unit of electricity to make three units of heat. This boosting of energy from a heat pump is known as COP, or Coefficient of Performance. Traditional heat pumps can have a COP of 3, but since this depends on the outside air temperature, when is it colder, the performance can get down to COP of 2, just when the heat is needed most. The Solar Assisted Heat Pump (SAHP) developed as part of the Surefit EU HORIZON PROJECT 2020 Call: Η2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020 offers a simple way to double or even triple the heat pump efficiency, COPs of 6 to 9, leading to greatly reduced energy bills for the homeowner.
The Assisted Heat Pump (SAHP) system integrates photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal rooftop panels into one unit. This looks similar to common solar PV panels with similar installation. Figure 1 shows the installation on a typical home. The heated water from the solar thermal panel is stored in a tank, similar to hot water heater tanks. This heated water is then used by the heat pump to greatly increase COPs, especially in colder months. As can be seen in Figure 2, the COPs are significantly better than a common heat pump, meaning half to one-third the heating costs compared to a common heat pump, and 6 to 9 times less energy compared to an electric heater. The system was evaluated on homes in the UK, Spain, Greece, and Portugal and the cost savings are proven. The simple system is very low maintenance and long life, offering immediate savings for the homeowner.

The Surefit Project is funded under the Horizon 2020 program, specifically under the call H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020 (grant number 894511). For more details please visit
Dissemination and Communication manager: Mr Themis Sarantaenas, Senior Marketing Consultant AMS, , +30 210 2842615